Breathe Freely
Allergy Shots and Drops
About Shots and Drops
Some allergens are impossible to avoid. You cannot live a normal life completely avoiding pollen, dust mites, mold spores, and certain other common triggers of allergic reactions. Many people with allergies use medications such as antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays to suppress their symptoms, and these medications can be effective. For people with very severe symptoms and those who cannot take allergy medications, shots or drops are an alternative. Another name for allergy shots or drops is immunotherapy or desensitization.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do Shots and Drops Work?
Allergies are caused by your immune system overreacting to certain things, known as antigens, that are outside of the body.. You come in contact with an antigen, such as ragweed, and your body makes an unusual response that can harm the body. Allergy shots and drops expose you to very small amounts of what you are allergic to in order to train your immune system not to overreact.
Are Shots/Drops Right For Me?
Shots may be right for you if you have very severe symptoms that interfere with your normal activities even if you are taking appropriate medication. Before prescribing shots or drops, we need to learn what you are allergic to through preforming a series of allergy tests. When we identify things you are allergic to, we can prescribe what it is you need.
How Long Should I Take Them?
Allergy shots are taken once or twice a week for at least two years. Drops are taken at home, one drop, three times a day, for 2 years. Most people see a relief in their symptoms in 6-12 months.
We offer a full allergy clinic with skin testing, blood (RAST) testing, and allergy shots and drops. Once we determine what you are allergic to, we can offer weekly or biweekly shots. If you prefer, we can make drops for you to take home.