Ear Problems
The ears are very complex. People can have problems ranging from severe pain to dizziness, to just a lot of wax buildup. To help you with your ear problems, among other things, we will want to know:
How long have you had problems with your ears?
Do you have trouble with ear wax buildup?
How is your hearing?
Do your ears ring?
Do you get recurrent infections?
Do you have trouble with dizziness?
Is pain a problem with your ears?
Examination of the ears is best carried out with a otomicroscope. This allows us to clearly see the ear drum, because it greatly magnifies it. If the ear needs to be cleaned, we will thoroughly clean it before any other testing is done. We may need to do a hearing test during your visit as well to determine your level of hearing and what type of loss you may have, if any.
Swimmer’s ear is a unique condition common to many people, especially kids. It is caused by an infection of the ear canal usually after prolonged water exposure. It can usually be treated with over the counter or prescription drops. But sometimes, a lot of debris and pus can build up in the canal that prevents drops from getting to the infection. In these cases, we’ll clean the ear and place the drops. Sometimes, we may place an ear wick in the canal to hold it open so drops will work.
Treatment of your ear condition will be initiated after asking you questions about your problems and then cleaning your ear. It may simply require drops or possibly further tests, such as x-rays.