Pediatric ENT
My Child Has. . .
+ Ear Infections
Ear infections are one of the most common reasons kids go to the doctor. Most ear infections are easily treated with antibiotics; however, in certain cases, more is needed. To help determine other possible treatment, we need to know:
- How often does your child get ear infections?
- Do the infections seem to get better with antibiotics?
- Do the infections seem to come right back after antibiotics or do they never really go away?
- Do the infections seem to coincide with nasal stuffiness and drainage?
- Does your child have allergies?
- Does anyone smoke in the home?
- Has your child’s language been developing as anticipated?
All of this information, and more, is used to determine the best possible treatment for your child. Treatment may include control of allergies, dietary or environmental changes, or possible surgery (tubes).
+ Tonsillitis
Recurrent tonsil infections can cause severe problems for children. If your child has had repeated strep infections or other recurrent tonsil infection, they may be a candidate for tonsillectomy. To determine if someone is a candidate, we need to know:
- How many infections has your child had?
- What symptoms do they have with the infections?
- Do they miss a lot of school?
Examination of the throat with a headlight is then carried out to determine the size and appearance of the tonsils. If repeated tonsillitis have occurred, and they cause problems with missed school/work or other daily activities, then your child may be a candidate for tonsillectomy.
Dr. Yunus uses COBLATION technology to remove the tonsils. This results in less pain and faster recovery.
+ Pediatric Allergy and Sinus Problems
Determining if nasal congestion and sinus problems are just a common cold versus true allergies can be difficult with children. We need to know:
- How often does your child have nasal congestion?
- Do the nasal symptoms occur during certain seasons or all year long?
- Do certain foods seem to trigger the problem?
- Does your child’s nasal drainage turn yellow or green in color?
Examination will require a full ear, nose, and throat physical. We look for dark circles under the eyes, nasal congestion, nasal drainage, and fluid in the ears among other things. Allergy problems in kids can be treated with:
- Dietary and environmental changes
- Nasal steroids
- Anti-histamine medication by mouth
- Allergy testing and possibly shots or drops (click here to learn more)
- Adenoidectomy and/or tonsillectomy
Enlarged adenoids can many times hinder the treatment of allergies. They block the back of the nose and can make it difficult to use nasal steroids. They can contribute to snoring as well. Sometimes, removing the adenoids makes treating allergies much easier. Furthermore, in some cases, it is the main reason for the nasal symptoms.
+ Snoring
Treatment of snoring is controversial. Many people believe that snoring by itself does not need treatment, only if pauses in breathing are involved does anything need to be done. However, more recently, even snoring itself has been seen as a hindrance to normal daily functions for kids such as learning and paying attention. To determine if your child needs help with his or her snoring, we will want to know:
- Does your child have allergies?
- Does your child have problems with breathing through his or her mouth?
- When your child snores, do they ever stop or pause breathing in their sleep?
- Is bedwetting a problem?
- Does your child have problems with paying attention or staying on one task for even short periods of time?
Examination of the nose and tonsils is the essential point of the physical. Treatment of snoring with apnea is usually recommended. The number one cause of sleep apnea in children is called obstructive sleep apnea, which is caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Treatment involves surgery with removal of the tonsils and adenoids.
+ Hearing Loss
Hearing loss in children is something that must be determined as early as possible. Depending on your child’s age, we will want to know:
- Was there a normal pregnancy and birth?
- Did your child pass his or her newborn hearing screening?
- Has your child had repeated ear infections?
- How is your child’s language devloping?
- Are they performing well in school?
After a thorough exam of the ear, nose, and throat, we will perform an audiogram (a hearing test in a special booth). We may also want to check for otoacoustic emissions (a special test where a small probe is put in the ear canal opening that listens for sounds that the normal ear makes).
One of the most common causes of hearing loss is fluid behind the ear drum. This happens when the normal tube that we have, that drains fluid from the space behind the eardrum, isn’t quite developed yet. If the hearing loss isn’t from fluid, then sometimes x-rays of the ear bones are needed. In rare cases, genetic causes are leading to the hearing loss.
Treatment for hearing loss can be tubes for fluid, but sometimes requires hearing aids for ear malformations or genetic causes.